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A perspective of advanced design, monitoring, development and validation of novel high performance materials and components applied to a real industrial case

A workshop by HIPERMAT

Developing longer-lasting materials and components that withstand high temperatures and thermal cycles is necessary to promote less a resource-consuming manufacturing industry. In this hybrid workshop, HIPERMAT project members will share latest research and innovation regarding the new materials and technologies that are named to transform current industrial reality.

Time: Wed 2022-12-14 13.00 - 16.00

Location: Online and in room M131, Brinellvägen 23, Stockholm.

Language: English


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This project gathers a balanced consortium of 14 partners with complementary skills, coordinated by AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre. The consortium represents all the value chain and associated design and validation services, from the component manufacturing to its final integration in productive equipment and its use.

HIPERMAT project is focused on the integration of the advanced design tools of materials and components to increase the success rate in material selection and the durability of components. New high thermal and corrosion resistant alloys, such as refractory stainless-steel variants and other alloys to be used for protective layer application, will be tested and validated through specific destructive and non-destructive testing. High performance alloys will be used for end component manufacturing through cutting edge technologies such as LMD, ceramic coatings and ablation (foundry) technology.

After being validated through NDT and DT controls, components will be integrated in real hot stamping furnaces, their performance to be monitored through a developed net of embedded sensors and advanced at a processing tools.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958196.

About the workshop

In this hybrid workshop, HIPERMAT project members will share the latest research and innovation regarding the new materials and technologies that are named to transform current industrial reality. For sure, a road must be walked to achieve energy and mineral resources savings and increase the efficiency and productivity of manufacturing processes.


13:00–15:30: Workshop presentations

  • Introduction to the seminar (10 minutes).
  • Process-structure-property modeling of advanced materials. (20 minutes)
  • Advance simulation of industrial processes. (20 minutes)
  • Ceramic layers application for high performance demanding conditions. (20 minutes)
  • LMD application of hard performance layer on industrial components. (20 minutes)
  • New generation of refractory stainless steels for the industry. The effect of cooling rate during solidification on high temperature properties. (20 minutes)
  • Printed sensors for their integration in working components inside furnaces. (20 minutes)

15:30–16:00: Questions and discussions

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Organizing committee

We are looking forward to meet you at KTH! Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions:

Belongs to: School of Industrial Engineering and Management
Last changed: Oct 18, 2022