Energy and furnace technology
Energy and Furnace Technology Group is working on Carbon Mitigation for Process Industries.
Current research areas
Renewable electricity and fuels
- Gasification of biomass/waste-High-Temperature Air/steam Gasification (HTAG)
- Bio-oil from biomass/waste
- Biomass pretreatment for hydrophobic pellets
Fuel Switching
- For boilers in power plants
- For the steel industry
Renewable Electricity and Fuels, Materials:
- Conversion of biomass to carbon materials
- Plasma Melting gasification of municipal solid waste (MSW) and refuse derived fuel (RFD)
- Treatment of waste from electronics for energy and material recovery
- End-life-vehicle recycling
To achieve these goals, we apply a range or research methodologies, including:
- quantum simulation of biomass pyrolysis on a molecular scale
- kinetic calculations of biomass and heat transfer phenomena inside of the reactor
- computational fluid dynamics modelling of pyrolysis and gasification
- experiments in a batch scale reactor and fluidized bed reactor
- catalyst development for the fast pyrolysis for chemical and energy