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Long-range chemical order

The tetragonal shear elastic constant as a function of the degree of order S for three different magnetic states in Ni3Fe.

The interplay between magnetic and chemical effects is investigated by computing the lattice parameters, the single- and poly-crystal elastic moduli for different partially ordered structures in the ferro- and paramagnetic states. It is found that the influence of long-range chemical order on the bulk properties strongly depends on the magnetic state. The largest magnetic-order induced changes are obtained for the chemically ordered L12 phase. The ferromagnetic L12 system possesses larger elastic Debye temperature than the paramagnetic L12 one, which in turn has similar Debye temperature as the chemically disordered face centered cubic phase being in either ferro- or paramagnetic state. Therefore, magnetic ordering has substantially larger impact on the bulk parameters of Ni3Fe than chemical ordering.


Guisheng Wang