Konferensen innebär två hela dagar med föredrag och andra aktiviteter, 17–18 juni. Dag ett består av plenarföredrag, dag två har inriktning på tekniska föredrag.
Måndag den 17/6
Plats: sal M1 Brinellvägen 64
08:30–09:15 |
Registrering och kaffe |
09:15–09:30 |
Konferensen öppnas – Sigbritt Karlsson, Rektor KTH |
09:30–09:45 | Välkommen, Annika Borgenstam, Prefekt KTH MSE |
09:45–10:15 |
Högre utbildning i Sverige – Karin Röding, Generaldirektör för UHR |
10:15–11:00 | Bergsskolan i en historisk kontext – Anders Lundgren, Professor em. Idé och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala Universitet |
11:00–11:45 |
Dagens utbildningar och livslångt lärande – Mikael Ersson, KTH MSE |
11:45–13:00 | Lunch på restaurang Brazilia, KTH campus, Brinellvägen 64 |
13:00–14:00 | Materials design: research and education - past experiences and future development – Professor Greg Olson, Northwestern University, USA |
14:00–14:20 | Doktorandutbildningar på institutionen för Materialvetenskap – Malin Selleby, KTH |
14:20–14:55 | Kaffepaus |
14:55–15:45 | Höghållfasta stål, tekniska utmaningar och krav på framtidens ingenjörer– Göran Nyström, OVAKO AB |
15:45–16:10 |
Gert Nilson, Jernkontoret (huvudsponsor) |
16:10–16:15 | Konferensprogrammet dag 1 avslutas – Pär Jönsson, Vice Skolchef KTH ITM |
Incheckning på hotell osv. | |
18:30–21:00 | Gemensam konferensmiddag på Restaurang Q, KTH Campus |
21:00– | Nachspiel på Hardox, Brinellvägen 23 |
Karta över platser (pdf 367 kB)
Tisdag den 18/6
Plats: parallella sessioner i salarna B1–B3 på Brinellvägen 23
Sal B1
Process technology for reduced environmental impact | |
09:00–10:00 | Shin-ya Kitamura, Tohoku University: Extraction of P and Mn from Steelmaking Slag |
10:00–10:20 | Kaffepaus |
10:20–10:50 | Caisa Samuelsson, LTU: Recycling of metallurgical slags |
10:50–11:20 | Jarkko Partinen, Outotec: Development of new sustainable technologies at Outotec with low environmental impact |
11:20–11:50 | John Bustnes, SWERIM: Pilot plant research for improved process technologies |
11.50 – 13.00 Lunch utanför salarna (wraps)
Process technology for reduced environmental impact | |
13:00–14:00 | Chris Pistorius, CMU: Lower-carbon ironmaking with methane and hydrogen |
14:00–14.30 | Rolf Ljunggren, Cortus: Use of bio-gas in iron- and steel production |
14.30–15:00 | Kaffepaus |
15:00–15:30 | Paul Cobden, SWERIM: The STEPWISE project |
15.30–16:00 | Weihong Yang, KTH: Sustainable projects at KTH |
Sal B2
Modeling of new alloys | |
09:00–09:30 | Ida Berglund, QuesTek: Materials design as a business – an entrepreneurial aspect of education |
09:30–10:00 | John Ågren, KTH: Materials Genome |
10:00–10:20 | Kaffepaus |
10:20–10:50 | Susanne Norgren, Sandvik: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering applied to wear and degradation of metal cutting tools |
10:50–11:20 | John Hald, DTU: Development of 9–12 % Cr-steels |
11:20–11:50 | Malin Selleby, KTH: CALPHAD Modeling |
11.50 – 13.00 Lunch utanför salarna (wraps)
Modeling of new alloys – with a focus on ab-initio | |
13:00–13:30 | Börje Johansson, UU/KTH: Establishing ab initio at MSE |
13:30–14:00 | Olle Eriksson, UU: Magnetism and steels in Sweden |
14:00–14.30 | Kalevi Kokko, Turku Univ.: Finish-Swedish joint research on ab initio-steels |
14.30–15:00 | Kaffepaus |
15:00–15:30 | Qing-Miao Hu, IMR-CAS: MSE-IMR collaboration during last 15 years |
15.30–16:00 | Erik Holmstrom, Sandvik Coromant: Ab initio for hard metal industry |
Sal B3
Circular economy | |
09:00–09:30 | Maria Åstrand, Northvolt: A European value chain for battery-materials; a key for sustainability |
09:30–10:00 | Mari Lundström, Aalto: Circular economy of battery metals in Europe – current status and future R&D needs |
10:00–10:20 | Kaffepaus |
10:20–10:50 | Patrick Amerlaan, Boliden: Metals in the modern society – challenges and developments |
10:50–11:20 | Christer Forsgren, Stena: Recycling – from elements to materials |
11:20–11:50 | Björn Haase, Höganäs: By-products as part of the circular economy |
11.50 – 13.00 Lunch utanför salarna (wraps)
Additive manufacturing – materials and applications | |
13:00–13:30 | Maurizio Vedani, Politechnico di Milano: The microstructural mechanisms governing strength and processability of additively manufactured metal alloys |
13:30–14:00 | Eva Jacobsson, Höganäs: Current and future metal powder manufacturing |
14:00–14.30 | Martin Nilsson – VBN: The new steel plant in Uppsala – additive manufacturing in an academic environment |
14.30–15:00 | Kaffepaus |
15:00–15:30 | Annika Strondl, Swerim: Development of powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing at SWERIM |
15.30–16:00 | Greta Lindwall and Christopher Hulme-Smith, KTH: Development of powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing at KTH |