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Processes - contact and staff

The most valuable asset of the Unit of Processes is its team. Here you can find a list of the people who work and study within the unit. Please contact us if you have any questions or want to discuss our work.


The unit is located at Brinellvägen 23.

Head of unit

Björn Glaser
Björn Glaser Head of the Unit of Processes

Unit of Processes staff list

  Last Name First Name Title Phone
Köchner Herbert Affiliated professor
Shi Ziyi Doctoral student
Glaser Björn Associate professor +46 8 790 83 39
Kuthe Sudhanshu Postdoc
Fredriksson Hasse Professor emeritus +46 8 790 78 69
Hessling Oscar PHD STUDENT
Persson Clas Associate professor +46 8 790 83 32
Vasanthasenan Reji Aravind Senan Doctoral student
Jin Yanghao Doctoral student
Wagri Naresh Kumar Postdoc
Reimund Lena Doctoral student
Lu Yu-Chiao Postdoc
Ghosh Gourav Doctoral student
Vynnycky Michael Affiliated professor +46 8 790 89 35
Jogdand Surbhi Shivaji Doctoral student
White Jesse Affiliated faculty
Vita Roberto Industry doctoral student
Gulshan Samina Doctoral student
Sjöqvist Persson Eva Affiliated faculty
Waldén Bertil Industry doctoral student
Pirouznia Pouyan PhD Student +46 8 790 83 14
Brännberg Fogelström Julia PHD STUDENT
Haster Olsson Daniel Industry doctoral student
Hulme Christopher Associate professor +46 8 790 84 59
López Renau Luis Miguel Postdoc
Martinsson Johan Affiliated faculty +46 8 790 61 51
Podgorski Adam Marcus Industry doctoral student
Wang Yazhe Doctoral student
Kamalasekaran Arun Doctoral student
Lundström Mari Visiting professor
Seetharaman Seshadri PROFESSOR EMERITUS
Rosén Rebecca Doctoral student
Samuelsson Bengt Peter Researcher
Agyekum Emmanuel Doctoral student
Svantesson Jonas Industry doctoral student
Akbarnejad Shahin DOCTORAL STUDENT
Karasev Andrey Researcher +46 8 790 83 57
Ersson Mikael Professor +46 8 790 83 37
Rangavittal Bharath Vasudev Doctoral student
Yang Weihong Researcher +46 8 790 84 02