Meet the all virtual Hillert Laboratory
Levente Vitos, director of Hillert Laboratory, explaining ”muffin-tin orbitals”. Published Oct 05, 2021Modeling is a rapidly growing field in materials science. It is also an area where the new Hillert Laboratory will play an important role.
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New director at Hultgren Laboratory
Anders Tillander is associate professor in industrial process metallurgy. He started as a researcher at the Department of Materials Science in 2003. He has also worked with safety issues and fire protection at the department. Photo: Alexandra von Kern. Published Sep 21, 2021With increased accessibility and an expanded instrument park, Anders Tilliander wants to offer the lab’s services to small and medium-sized companies.
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Paper waste makes greener steel
Osmet started around the same time as Tova Jarnerud graduated from Bergs. Tova had not planned to do a doctorate, but was attracted by the Osmet project. Photo: Alexandra von Kern. Published Jun 02, 2021If the ideal sustainability project saves both the environment and money, and at the same time develops a research area, Osmet might be just that. Two of Sweden's largest basic industries join forces ...
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They found a way to optimize recycling of cars – with torrefaction
Illustration: Katarzyna Jagodzińska Published May 26, 2021Hi Katarzyna Jagodzińska, who recently published the article together with Stena Recycling International AB: “Can torrefaction be a suitable method of enhancing shredder fines recycling?”
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Findings offer ‘recipe’ for fine tuning alloys for high-temperature use
A piece of alloy is stress tested in Levente Vitos' lab at KTH (photo: courtesy of Levente Vitos). Published Apr 26, 2021Superalloys that withstand extremely high temperatures could soon be tuned even more finely for specific properties such as mechanical strength, as a result of new findings published recently.
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Joakim Odqvist new Professor
Published Dec 01, 2020KTH has appointed new Professors and among them, one belongs to Materials Science and Engineering. Our new Professor Joakim Odqvist explains why structural transformation of metals matters and how it ...
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Malin Selleby named “Teacher of the year” at KTH
Malin Selleby, Professor at Materials Science and Engineering, thinks that interested students are among the best things about teaching. Published Nov 04, 2020Malin Selleby is the winner of Teacher of the year 2020 for the entire KTH, elected by the student union THS. Malin works at the Department of Material Science and Engineering (MSE) and teaches Comput...
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Expanding the field of nano- and micro mechanics
Electron / ion microscope at Hultren Laboatory. Published Oct 21, 2020Hultgren Laboratory will soon be one of few labs in Sweden with test possibilities for the connection between nano- and microstructures and material properties. Something that is crucial for material ...
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She designs new materials on an atomic level
Published Oct 09, 2020By using quantum mechanical modelling, KTH Researcher Raquel Lizárraga can help companies to cut years and millions from the development of new materials.
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New research center at ITM
Published May 05, 2020Starting this year, Center for Mechanics and Materials Design (MMD) will bring together Solid Mechanics and Materials Science and Engineering. The center belongs to ITM but operates at both the ITM sc...
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Best paper award from IOM3 to researcher at the unit of Process
Johan Martinsson, main researcher behind the study of foam structures in high temperatures. Published Apr 20, 2020Johan Martinsson´s work solves the experimental difficulties of studying the structure of foam as a function of slag composition and viscosity at high temperatures.
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She reveals metal's secrets during 3D printing
Greta Lindwall, Assistant Professor at the department of Materials Science and Engineering. Published Mar 25, 2020Hi Greta Lindwall, you have received funding from Vetenskapsrådet through the Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC) to do research on real-time tracking of electron beam additive manufacturing.
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Extensive project grant awarded to MSE researcher
Published Mar 16, 2020Greta Lindwall, assistant professor at MSE, has been awarded a grant from Röntgen-Ångström for a research project in additive manufacturing.
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Hultgren Laboratory climbs the ladder
Published Feb 11, 2020Hultgren Laboratory at Material science and Engineering is now a so-called KTH Research Infrastructure. The aim is to strengthen important research environments with strong infrastructure.
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Prize for climate neutrality innovation
Rutger Gyllenram (left) and Peter Samuelsson (right) of the Unit of Processes Published Jan 29, 2020Congratulations to Peter Samuelsson and Rutger Gyllenram who have won the KTH Innovations Challenge "Going climate neutral" for their idea "FerroSilva, the Iron Forest".
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International Seminar 2019
KTH prizewinners Henrietta Isaksson (middle) and Hans-Henrik König (right). Another prizewinner from NTNU is on the left. Published Dec 16, 2019In November Assistant Professor Chris Hulme-Smith travelled to NTNU (Trondheim, Norway) with 21 masters students for the 2019 International seminar in materials processes.
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