Repam drives innovation in metal powder manufacturing
Generative AI interprets metal powder. Published Oct 23, 2024Innovative applications of new technology are ways to meet the growing demands for material performance in additive manufacturing. In a newly launched project, KTH is collaborating with research group...
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The classroom gardener
While he holds the position of Head of the ITM school, Pär Jönsson's true roots are firmly planted in the classroom. Photo: Anna Gullers Published Jan 23, 2024Combining the philosophy of gardening with a touch of classroom magic, Pär Jönsson has recently been honored as the 'Teacher of the Year' at KTH. We sat down with the Head of the ITM school, who not o...
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“For me research is a big playground”
Mari Lundström is a Visiting Professor of the WISE Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability at KTH. Photo: Mikko Raskinen Published Aug 28, 2023Mari Lundström does not believe in simple answers and get inspired by people who get excited of unsolved problems. She is new Visiting Professor of the WISE Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for ...
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Students improve steel company
KTH shares its singing traditions by thanking the hosts at Alleima for the food with the song "En liten blå förgätmigej" which is customary at KTH. Published Aug 14, 2023KTH students solve problems and improve processes for steel company Alleima. The tasks are part of the students' learning, and an exam takes place in Sandviken with Alleima employees as examiners.
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"We can produce steel with one-tenth of the electricity"
Published May 25, 2023FerroSilva, which started as a project at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, has developed a new process for producing fossil-free sponge iron. The plan is to start the first factory...
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Major drive for green steel
Image by DALL-E. Published May 04, 2023In a project designed to help the steel industry transition to a climate-neutral production, KTH and Luleå University of Technology will share over 41 million SEK from EU and Tillväxtverket. The focus...
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Borgenstam on prestigeous list
Annika Borgenstam is recognized because, as a teacher, researcher and leader, she pays attention to how inequality is recreated and works to promote equality. Published Mar 10, 2023Annika Borgenstam, Professor at Materials Science and Engineering, is among the 40 most powerful women in mining and steel, according to "Sveriges hårdaste lista".
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A giant in materials research
Professor Emeritus Mats Hillert was 97 years old, all along an active researcher at KTH. Published Mar 08, 2023During his record-long researcher’s work on Materials Science, Mats Hillert trained generations of scientists and engineers. He also laid the foundation for modern materials science at KTH.
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Quantum mechanics could lead to stronger, more sustainable alloys
Researcher Song Lu holds a piece of metal that was developed using quantum mechanical theory. Published Feb 23, 2023It may be an abstract concept for many people, but a new study shows that quantum mechanics can play a role in reducing the carbon footprint for producing steel and other alloys while making materials...
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An additive assembly of experts
Prof. Sasan Dadbakhsh from IPU played a major role in organizing the event Published Feb 22, 2023KTH researchers organised a conference called ’The Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals’, an event that attracted around 55 people from the largest Swedish companies, institutions, and o...
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The overqualified taxi driver
Published Dec 06, 2022How would life have turned out for Munir Al-Saadi if Sandvik's Olle Wijk had not gotten into his taxi that December night 15 years ago? Most likely, he had not been receiving a doctoral diploma in the...
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Chuan Wang at Swerim becomes Adjunct Professor
Chuan Wang joins KTH as an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Materials Science an Engineering. Published Sep 12, 2022From September 2022 Chuan Wang, research manager for recycling and the environment at Swerim, will be an Adjunct Professor in the Unit of Processes at KTH Materials Science and Engineering for three y...
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Loop of energy can save costs in industry
The 3D printed heat exchanger prototype Published Sep 08, 2022KTH researchers from different disciplines join forces to create a sustainable loop from electricity to waste heat, and back to electricity. This saves operating costs for energy-intensive industries ...
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Neutron and X-ray competence spinned off
Peter and Ahmet at the D33 small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) beamline at the Institut Laue–Langevin in France. Published Jun 09, 2022More and more companies want to use neutrons and synchotron X-rays to develop materials, but not all have the in-house know-how and capacity for doing it. Former KTH PhD student Ahmet Bahadir Yildiz a...
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Unexpected bonds between covid and inorganic surfaces
Quantum mechanical modeling predicts strong interactions between glucosides of the tip of the S1 subunit of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and inorganic surfaces. These interactions depend largely on the type of surface and on the presence of surface bound water. Published May 04, 2022By using quantum mechanical modeling KTH has revealed how the covid virus interacts with inorganic surfaces. And the virus reacts a little bit different than expected.
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New glasses can pave way for new battery standard
Published Apr 19, 2022A new type of Na-based glasses may unlock the potential for a new battery standard that can contribute to the transition to a sustainable and affordable energy system.
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Malin Selleby the first woman to get the Sefström Medal
Malin Selleby is regarded as one of the world's foremost experts in thermodynamic modelling in materials design. Here, she receives the medal by Peter Samuelsson. Photo: Mats Gartz Published Mar 30, 2022Malin Selleby receives the Sefström Medal for her work in Computational Thermodynamics. The Sefström Medal is awarded by The Swedish association of mining and metallurgical engineers* every 5 years si...
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Stainless-steel slag treat acidic wastewater
Photo: Jernkontoret Published Mar 23, 2022Slag from stainless-steel can substitute the use of lime to neutralise industrial acidic wastewater. This way part of the CO2 emissions derived by the extraction and processing of lime can be avoided,...
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Xiaoqing Li nominated to AcademiaNet
Published Mar 23, 2022AcademiaNet works to increase the proportion of women in leading positions in the research world. The database contains over 3,200 well-qualified researchers nominated by European research funders and...
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Hillert Materials Modeling Lab colloquium series
Published Mar 22, 2022During the spring and autumn, the new lab at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering will provide a series of seminars on materials modeling tools and demonstrations held by leading expert...
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